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User Guide: Automations
Lydia Dennard avatar
Written by Lydia Dennard
Updated over a week ago

Introducing Multi-job select!!!!!

Automations will now let you select multiple specific jobs! Just select "For specific jobs" in the job dropdown, click the "+ Add more" link, then search for the jobs you want to add by job ID or internal job title.

Automations Overview

Visit our Help Center Article: Here

  • Click on the "g" to navigate to the Grayscale menu

  • Click on Automations

  • Click “New” to create a new automation

Automation Name:

  • Give your automation a title. This is an internal title and will not be seen by candidates.


  • Set your automation to Active as soon as you Save.

  • Or set your automation to paused upon creating, until you are ready to activate.

  • Select which job you’d like the automation to run on


  • All jobs (every job in ATS. Only Admins can see this option)

  • All My Jobs (every job in ATS that the user is assigned to as Recruiter, Hiring Manager, Coordinator, or Sourcer)

  • For specific jobs (select one or more specific jobs)

  • Only for job names that contain (specify keyword(s) that should appear in the title of the target jobs)


  • Filter on name (specify one or more keywords contained in the job name)


  • This is the event that triggers the automation to be sent

Event options:

  • Stage Changed

  • Candidate Hired

  • Candidate Rejected

  • Candidate Hired or Rejected

  • Interview scheduled (specific to Greenhouse and Lever)

Candidate Filtering Options:

  • Include all candidates

  • Filter on stage name

  • Filter on ATS tags


  • confirm the event, job, candidate conditions are what you want

Choose when to send the automation:

  • No wait (immediately)

  • 2 Hours

  • 1 Day

  • 2 Days, etc.

Craft your message:

  • Freeform, or use snippets and templates

  • Assign replies to the appropriate Grayscale user

  • Save

  • Option to cancel on the left

Managing automations:

  • Navigate to the main page of Automations

  • Filter by Status, Job, Events, or Creator

  • Filter by automation name

Click the Executions tab of an existing automation to view details such as:

  • Number of response

  • Response rate

  • Average response time

  • Number of messages sent

  • Percentage of recipients that opted out

and recipient-specific details such as:

  • Recipient name

  • Recipient phone number

  • Message sent

  • Response received

  • Opt out

  • Button to recipient's conversation

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