NOTE: Requires ATS integration
Do you want to reach out to candidates that you have identified with a tag as “Gold Medalist” in your ATS?🥇 Do you want to reach out to only candidates that are tagged within a certain geographical region? 🗺️
Grayscale offers you the ability to filter via your ATS tags to help you drill down to the very best candidates to contact.
Find a step by step guide for Bulk Messaging and Automations tagging below.
Bulk Messaging Tag Filters
Never set up a Bulk Message? Check out this article
Select a Job, List, or Prospect Pool (only for customers with a Greenhouse integration) as the Audience type
Once you’ve made the audience selections for the Bulk message, click Filter with ATS tags
When a tag is added, anyone who does NOT have that tag on their candidate profile within your ATS, will not receive the message. Multiple tags can be added - ALL tags must match to be included in the audience. Continue to set up and schedule your Bulk Message.
Automations Tag Filters
Never set up an Automation? Check out this article
Once you select the Job conditions and Event for an Automation, you will be able to choose two additional filters - the stage name and/or the filter on tags within your ATS. Multiple tags can be added - ALL tags must match for the automation to run.
Filter on Stage Name
Filter on Tags
Then finish your Automation set up. Make sure to press Save and we will start matching your candidates right away.
Away you go! 🚀