Own every moment in your employees' lifecycle with Grayscale Automations. With Automations, you can deliver the right messages to employees at the perfect moment.
Automations are designed to easily scale across your organization. Some common touch points to automate include:
Hire date
Task assigned
Task due date
What is an Automation?
An automation is made up of 3 key components:
Audience conditions – defines which employees an automation can operate on
The sending criteria – this is the date or event that will trigger your automation
The message(s) – craft your messages to your intended audience once all the criteria has been met
Types of Employee Automations
All Task Owners
Task Assigned
Task Due Date
All Employees
Specific Date
Specific Date
Components Explained
Use a descriptive name to distinguish this automation from others.
Automation Name – This is an internal name only, enter something that will be easily distinguishable
Status – All automations will be set to Active by default. If you're not ready to set this live, select Paused.
Audience conditions define which employees an automation can operate on. Choose who to send the message to.
These can be:
All Task Owners
All Employees
Apply any of these filters to further customize this automation:
Job Title
Sending Criteria
This is the date or event that will trigger your automation.
For All Task Owner automations, choose from:
Task due date
Task assigned
Then select an optional Task Category. If the Task Category All is left selected, you will not be able to select specific tasks. If you would like to select specific tasks, first choose a Task Category, then select all specific tasks to trigger this automation, or leave All tasks selected.
For All Employees automations, choose from:
Specific Date – choose a fixed date & time on the calendar
Milestone – select a specific milestone, either Hire date or Birthday
For Segment automations, choose from:
Specific Date – choose a fixed date & time on the calendar
Milestone – select a specific milestone, either Hire date or Birthday
The Message section is where you'll be able to craft your messages to your intended audience once all the criteria has been met. Be sure to include snippets to really customize your message!
You can add up to 5 reminders to be sent before or after the trigger date too!
For All Task Owners + Task Due Date automations:
Initial message will be delivered on tigger date – I.e. the date the task is due
Select a specific time of day you want this automation to send to employees
Add up to 5 reminders to be sent any number of days before and/or after the task due date – Reminders are only sent if the call to action has not been completed
For All Task Owners + Task Assigned automations:
Initial message will be delivered on tigger date – I.e. the date the task is assigned
Add up to 5 reminders to be sent any number of days after the task is assigned – Reminders are only sent if the call to action has not been completed
For All Employees + Specific Date and Segment + Specific Date automations:
Initial message will be delivered on tigger date – I.e. the date determined in the Sending Criteria section
Add up to 5 reminders to be sent any number of days before and/after the date specified – Reminders are only sent if the call to action has not been completed
For All Employees + Milestone and Segment + Milestone automations:
Initial message will be delivered on tigger date – I.e. the date the milestone is reached
Select a specific time of day you want this automation to send to employees
Add up to 5 reminders to be sent any number of days before and/after the milestone is reached – Reminders are only sent if the call to action has not been completed
Last, but not least
For all automations, be sure to add follower(s)! Any Grayscale user added as a Follower will be notified of responses from employees.
That's a wrap!
Have questions? Chat with us below 😎