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All About Nudges

Setting up automated reminders to gently "nudge" your candidates to respond.

Sam Abello avatar
Written by Sam Abello
Updated over a week ago

Don't you just love trying to stay on top of candidate follow ups? You have a promising candidate that's engaged, and then... crickets.

That's why we created Nudges.

What Are Nudges?

Nudges allow you to add a friendly follow up on any/all messages you send through Grayscale – 1:1, bulk messages, and even automations!

Ready to get your nudge on? Below we highlight how to add nudges in both 1:1 and bulk messages.

Getting Started with Nudges

Important note: A nudge will ONLY be sent to candidates that do NOT respond.

So what are you waiting for? Start automating your candidate follow up! 😉

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