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Onboarding Template Inspiration Guide
Onboarding Template Inspiration Guide

Suggested templates for different touch points along the new hire onboarding journey.

Sam Abello avatar
Written by Sam Abello
Updated over 3 months ago

Need some texting inspiration? Check out the library below with suggested templates for different touch points along the new hire onboarding journey!

Templates for your templates

Template Name

Suggested Template

Welcome to Onboarding!

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, we're very excited to have you as a part of the {{ snippets.company_name_ }} team! 🎉 We'll be sending you login information shortly via email. If you have any questions, please feel free to text us!

- {{ snippets.hr_dept_ }}

Onboarding Task Assigned

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}! Congrats on your new position here at {{ snippets.company_name_ }}. In order to get ready for day one, please log in to complete your onboarding tasks linked here:{{ snippets.log_in_to_link }} , and let us know if you have any questions!

- {{ snippets.company_name }}

Onboarding Task Reminder

Hey {{ profile.first_name }} - Reminder that you still have onboarding tasks to complete.

You can log in to your employee portal here {{ snippets.onboarding_link }} to complete them. As always, text me here if there is anything I can help with!

- {{ snippets.company_name }}

Specific Task Automation

(ex: I-9)

Hey {{ profile.first_name }} Friendly reminder to complete your {{ }}. You can complete your outstanding Onboarding Tasks here: {{ }}.

- {{ snippets.company_name }}

Onboarding Check-In

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}, just checking in to see how onboarding is going! Let me know if you have any questions.

- {{ snippets.company_name }}

Start Date Automation

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, we’re excited to Welcome you to {{ company_name }} ! Here are a few details for your first day:

-Start Date:




If you have any questions, just reply to this message!

- {{ snippets.hr_dept_ }}

Start Date Reminder

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}, reminder your start date is {{ profile.start_date }}! Let me know if you have any questions before your first day!

- Your HR Team at {{ company_name }}

New Hire Welcome

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, we're very excited to have you as a part of the {{ snippets.company_name_ }} team! 🎉 We'll be sending you login information shortly via email. If you have any questions, please feel free to text us!

- Your HR Team at {{ company_name }}

Message from our CEO

(2 days after start date)

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, Welcome to {{ snippets.company_name_ }}, we wanted to share this message from our CEO welcoming you to the team! {{ }}

Reinforce Brand, Culture & Values

(3 days after start date)

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, Quick check in to see how things are going with Onboarding. As a part of welcoming you to {{ }}, I wanted to send over a quick video about our culture and values! {{{…}}

Let me know if you need help with anything!

Highlight Benefits, Perks & Impact

(5 days after start date)

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, At {{ }}, we know that life is about more than work — it's about chasing your dreams, feeling healthy, caring for family, and continuing to grow. That's why our robust benefits programs help you do all this and more. To learn more about our benefits visit our website here: {{ }}

30 day Check In

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, Congratulations on your first 30 days with {{ company_name }} ! Let us know if you have any questions or feedback on your onboarding experience.

- Your HR Team at {{ company_name }}

60 day Check In

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, you’re 60 days in! Anything we can help with?

- Your HR Team at {{ company_name }}

90 day Check In

Hi {{ profile.first_name }},

You've completed your first 90 days on the job! 👏 We'd love to hear how your experience has been so far at {{ company_name }}. Please take 2 minutes to complete this short survey.

Submit Your 2-min Survey: {{ custom.survey }}

- Your HR Team at {{ company_name }}

Onboarding Experience Survey

Thank you for your completing your Onboarding experience with {{ company_name }}, We are inviting you to take a ~3 minute survey to learn more about your onboarding experience {{ Survey.Link }}

- Your HR Team at {{ company_name }}

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