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2. 1-1 Texting in SAP SuccessFactors (training video)
Sam Abello avatar
Written by Sam Abello
Updated over 4 months ago

Now that you've learned all about Grayscale's lay of the land, let's dive into our next training video 💬

1-1 Texting

Video Transcript

0:01 – One to one texting. There are two ways to get your inbox within Grayscale. You can click on inbox in the dashboard or click on the Grayscale G in the upper left-hand corner.

0:12 – This is where all of your conversations with candidates will live. This includes both incoming and outgoing messages. The pink dots shown here indicate that a message is unread.

0:22 – The majority of the time you'll live in my inbox but there are additional options to filter by. For example, you can also see all conversations across the organization, unassigned conversations, and you can even filter by unread.

0:37 – To initiate a conversation, find the candidate you want to reach out to and pop Grayscale open from their success factors candidate profile.

0:44 – As you can see, their conversation history lives right inside of Grayscale, and additionally, if you click on view profile in success factors and scroll down to the comment section, their entire Grayscale conversation transcript will sink here as well.

0:57 – This is super helpful for anyone on the team who doesn't have Grayscale access because as they can also get an update on where the candidate is in the process.

1:05 – Now, let's go over the different features you have access to when crafting one-to-one messages. The first icon on your left is Snippets.

1:14 – Snippets dynamically populate the candidate's information as it's listed in their SAP candidate profile and helps avoid spelling errors. Here's what that looks like:

1:25 – For more information on using Snippets, check out our article on How to Use Snippets. The next icon is where you'll find your templates.

1:34 – A template is any message you want to preemptively compose or something you send often, saving yourself some time. You can create templates introducing yourself and keep them private, or you can share these templates across your team to create some consistency in your messaging.

1:50 – For example, if I go up here and filter by, share by team, these are all the ones that have been shared by my team, so I'll go ahead and apply the phone screen template.

2:01 – We'll skip over the next icon you see here, scheduling, which is an add-on feature. If you'd like to learn more about our new scheduling feature, be sure to check out, Getting Started with Scheduling, or reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

2:16 – This next feature, change schedule, allows you to schedule send messages when you think the candidate would be more responsive to it.

2:23 – For example, if you're working late or over the weekend and want to follow up with your candidate during normal business hours, you can craft your message now and select a date and time that works best for them.

2:35 – As you can see, the scheduled message appears in pink, while messages that have already been sent are in blue. And lastly, we have nudges.

2:45 – A nudge is an automated follow-up that is sent if a candidate doesn't respond. You can apply up to three different nudges and choose the wait time.

2:53 – There are three ways to cancel nudges by responding to the message thread directly, by simply clicking cancel on the pending nudge or if the candidate responds to the initial message before the nudge is scheduled to send.

3:07 – Once the candidate responds, all of the following nudges are canceled. This acts as a drip campaign and keeps the candidates engaged.

3:14 – One thing to keep in mind with nudges is that the wait times are calendar days not business days, something to be mindful of.

3:22 – Some additional callouts. The three dots in the upper right hand corner gives you a few more options. If you no longer want a conversation in your inbox you can archive a conversation to clean it up.

3:33 – You also have the option to block a candidate if for whatever reason you are receiving unwanted correspondence from them and likewise the candidate does have the ability to block you by replying stop at any time to opt out and you'll see this in their conversation history here.

3:50 – They'll receive one additional message letting them know that if they want to start receiving messages again they just have to reply start.

3:57 – Once a candidate* has responded, stop to opt out. Your ability to send them any follow-up communication here will be disabled.

4:05 – You'll also notice that this candidate has an opted out badge by their name, letting you know that you won't be able to message them unless they opt back in.

4:13 – Next up, we'll be jumping into bulk messaging. Click the button below whenever you're ready.


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