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Shareable Templates

Sharing Templates among your team

Lydia Dennard avatar
Written by Lydia Dennard
Updated over a week ago

Want to create templates for the team or accelerate the process by using templates already created? Let's do it! 🌟

What are templates?

Templates allow you to easily save and reuse your most frequent messages so you don't miss a beat.

How to Use Templates:

To get started, look for the bookmark icon in the text box of your messenger or go to Settings > Templates ( When you click on it, you'll be prompted to save your first template.

Title your template and then craft your message. To share the template with your team, simply check the box labeled "share with the team".

While you can always edit your own templates, your teammates won’t be able to edit the templates you share with them.

When searching for a template, you can choose a template that is Private (created by you and not available to anyone on the team) or Shared by the team.

Whether you are choosing one of your personal templates or a shared template, you will be able to adjust the message once you Apply the template to your message.

That's it! So what are you waiting for? Start saving and sharing those templates today. 😎

Change template owner

After a Grayscale user is disabled, admins have the ability to edit, delete, and change the owner of the shared template.

From the template management screen, click the gear button to bring up Template Details.

As a Grayscale admin, there are options to Delete or Edit the existing template.

  • Deleting the template removes it from showing up anywhere for all Grayscale users.

  • Editing the template allows an admin to edit the template text, change the owner to another user, or uncheck the “Share with team” checkbox to have it no longer appear in any lists.

Questions? Chat with us below for additional assistance.

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